There were two groups of experts - the TNB Engineers (General Managers, Senior Managers, Expert engineers, etc) and the expert TNB clients and customers (building owners, consultants, etc). The event was officially launched by Y Bhg Dato' Ir Aishah bt Dato' Hj Abdul Rauf, Vice President for TNB Distribution.
There were altogether seven paper presentations - so it was like an Engineering crash course!!:) to me...yupp, a simple TESL graduate pursuing PhD in organizational communication and 'powerless' language! Pretty shocking? Guess, I returned to my solace with some kind of "not so much of power trip" but a "mighty blink power dip".
So, what did i learn? That 1) there's this second route or back-up power supply to ensure smooth flow of electricity to clients and know...banks, industries, can't possibly bear with the consequences of power dips or trips...! 2) there's this device called "standby gen-set" which we resort to during power failure to mitigate the repercussions. ***of course there were many other innovative ideas..but let's stick to something close to layman applications:)
I see starking similarity between the standby 'gen-set' and mankind. Despite the fascinating technological breakthrough, some common problems do arise. In other words, although the gen-set is here to help us, it will not function accordingly if we neglect it. Negligence can be due to 3 reasons: 1) fail to set (battery, air-lock, engine jam) 2) fail to carry load (engine, generator, electrical items) 3) fail to sustain load (ring a bell???)
Likewise, man can be achievers if we don't take things for granted. If we only learn from the gen-set lesson scenario, we should be 1) ready to accept challenges 2) ready to perform and 3) consistent in our effort and attempts in all undertakings. It's always good to have Plan B, jez make sure than Plan B is viable, and that it works.
At the end of the day, I'm all the more convinced that Engineering has always fascinated me..too bad...I'm not cut for it...guess I'm d ladylike and motherly type of i've decided to enjoy the other corner of life...i shall always admire how engineers have engineered the engineering miracles and majesty. Don't ask if my children will be engineers, coz that's a very different story...
Well, as for me, my ambition was not to be an engineer. I always revered of being a postman, librarian, actor and also singer because my favourite entertainment. is actually to sing!! HAHA WEIRD!! Yes, this shows that my ambition is actually not alike most of the time. But then, as days went by, I became more full-fledged and things started to revolutionize. So I decided to become someone who is actually flattered by people and the word engineer popped up into my mind. And here I am, hoping for the best!
hi kartik,
thou shalt hop no more:) work on becoming d engineer of d decade. Tough challenge, yet very fulfilling, indeed. All z best, dear.
Life isn’t as smooth sailing as one would hope for since setbacks are inevitable. We as humans often make mistakes and take the many things in our daily lives for granted such as the ability to chew, swallow or even inhale. However, we could learn the better out of these failures and mishaps so that we will not repeat our past mistakes. Only a fool would continuously repeat their faults. Having done a mistake can also change our perspective on how we see things in life positively. For instance in 1942, Christopher Columbus discovered America by mistake. Had he not made that mistake, our world wouldn’t be recognized as the way it is today. However, it would be wise for us to have alternative plans in case we ever screw up.
Hi Kou Loire,
Excellent observation, and insights. I also like what people say about planning: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Hope to hear from you again, dear.
Hi Pn. Zue,
I agree with the fact about Plan B. We must have back up plan in case the main plan didn't work out the way we want it to. "Everybody makes mistakes. If plans don't turned out the way we planned, figure something else out. Don't stay down. Try again!" lyrics from Nobody's Perfect by Hannah Montana says it all. Even if that ever happen, at least with plan B was set up, we won't have to rush or wreck our head to think what to do next. As a human being, we are just being able to plan, Allah decides it whether it to happen successfully or vice versa. In other word, we should make this as a habit just like Jim Ryun's quote, "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." Therefore, I strongly believe that it's not a waste to do plan B as a back up plan because it might save us when the previous plan didn't turn out the way we planned.
hi mdm zue n every1,
ahaaa...PLAN B!plan b oftens act as the saviour.without plan b everything is ruin which what almost happen to ambition for life-time since i was small is to be a lecturer majoring in english and maths!!.after my spm, my plan supposedly to be the 'plan A' was to take the TESL course since i love teaching so much!as planned i attented the TESL interview and i thought i did really great and there was no doubt i'll get.yet,maybe due to lack of proficiency in eglish and also lack of luck and maybe little bit of over confident(hahaha)i was not selected for that course.that moment i felt my world came crashing down but thank god i had a backup plan which is plan b my saviour!!!i applied for IT in uniten as IT was my second choice and as i didnt want to attend form 6!in fact there was one of my teacher who always told me that one day i'll be working as someone who deals with computer!!there is a saying 'behind every cloud there is a silver lining'.who knows one day i'll be a better IT graduate than a TESL graduate that i always wanted to to everybody out there here is a new proverb..'behind every plan A there must be a plan B to be your saviour'!!till
hurm..after read this article, the word 'plan B' was attracted me so much. for me, we don't have to create plan B in our have something special, we just have to believe it special. but in the same moment, my left brain cannot keep thinking that we cannot trust the devices or machines 100% because human cannot create something that is very perfect. it always comes with a little bit of weakness.from that reason i think we should have plan B in order to prepare for any sudden all becoming engiineers(including me),good luck n try to create machines thats is 99.9% perfect. =)
Assalamualaikum Puan Zue. whoa, what a very interesting blog do you have. this is my first time commencing in this blogosphere. for me, I want to be an engineer since I was a toddler(huh??). there are so many things that I love in this engineering field. I used to destroy my own pc at home, my dad's television, my mom's washing machine, my little brother's remote control car and many more. I found out that destroy and create things was such a great feeling. haha, maybe it is funny, but when i first came to UNITEN, my new ambition is to be the greatest engineer ever known. haha,but I must have to change my attitude a lot because I am such a naughty person with a very bad attitude. But I will chage all that, and try my best. oooo, got to go now or I will not have enough time to play CS. bye Puan Zue.
Why do we need backup plans and why it is so important?As human, we need to be aware that we are not perfect where we cannot predict our future even for the next 30 minutes.We tend to forget what is important and what is not.Therefore, we cannot avoid from making mistakes.Although we do learn from mistakes ,there are some mistakes which are fatal and as human we cannot turn back the time.That's why we need backup plan.Not just plan B, but Plan C , Plan D and so on are needed.By having lots of plan, we can identify the many path that are available for us to take in our life thus making us more careful in decision making.Indeed, those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
haha...this post was amusing, for one...noticed pn zue, using a "jez" in the sentence.. well i know its a blog,so its ok, but it's just not pn. zue,well at least the maam i know.
secondly, being a future electrical power eng. this post was right up my alley, wanted to attend the conference bt don't think i would be allowed, something like that.
anyways, im sure alot of blog readers out there are gonna be amazed at the tech savvy pn.zue, with her details about power quality, i mean for the relating of gen-set with human nature concept,well i guess that was kinda expected from a technical communication master!!
somehow pn zue seems to reveal a secret engineering desire maybe ? haha... anyways, if your kids wish to be future engineers, then more power to them ! ..
p/s thanks maam for reminding me to commentoften, im getting my groove to comment back!
Every person has their own strengths and weaknesses as we are all unique. One may have the ability to juggle numbers well while others hold a better sense of artistic values. If every citizen were to master the same skill, a society would be incomplete and unable to operate efficiently. We need people of various mastery and attributes, cooperating to produce the best results. As one would say, “It takes all sorts of people to make a world”. To put things straight, I urge you to not fret that you’re not cut being an engineer. I believe that being an English lecturer is a demanding profession that requires an adamant will power and passion to educate the next generation.
Welcome back, Hemalan dear, I love your wits and invigorating comments. and intelligent guess...ha.ha.u r so right! i wanted to be a doctor, but i'm scared of blood, so i work on getting doctor of philosophy (PhD.)...still a Dr, rite??? wanted to be an engineer, that's why i went to MARA Junior Science College, but decided that it doesn't suit my, like kou loire i am in a pretty challenging and ambitious profession, English lecturer...and I get to meet inspiring speakers, student leaders and future engineers and IT experts, in a proud land called UNITEN...just returned from briefing for Majlis Konvokesyen..Hemalan..I'm d emcee again...and I will meet my ex-students who will receive their scrolls. Great, yeah...
hye Pn.Zue,
1st of all I'm sorry for the late comment,had exams back to last relieved. :-)
it's power quality again!!! Now when someone talks about power quality, I guess, pn.Zue sure can counter-attack if he's wrong...;-)
ehmm...plan B, back-up gen set n etc...
those are the things that are crucial for places like hosp and places of risk.
since its bout genset, i can recall a story that my dad told me years ago. It was more than 10 years ago(can;t remember the exact year), when the whole Penang island was in black out after the cable exploded (the 1 connecting island and mainland thru the penang bridge). That time my dad was in Wataniah training there, so all of them were deployed to make sure important areas are backed up.
My dad leaded his team to a Hosp since their plan B (gen set) blown off. While my dad's team were fixing the heavy duty gen-set, a lady came with her lawyer demanded them not to operate near her hse. It;s the only place the can slot in power cables. So, argument broke between the army, TNB and the lady (with the lawyer) she even stoop near the gen-set so that, they can't do anything, and true enough they can;t touch normal ppl just like tat. Then came distress alarm and hops admin came to persuade the lady since few operations were on, and the machines in hops were running out of battery. Hundreds of life were in danger, that's when an order came in, to fix the genset in any mean. One of my dad's friend said," I don't mind killing you & going jail, rather than seeing those people (kids, babies etc) to die". Since it was a partial curfew, then the police came in and removed the lady from the place. The only reason was that it would be noisy and would dirt her hse with hundreds of life at stake.
Pn.Zue so humanity & gen-set do come in (Plan B). We can have a solid plan (A, B c D & even till Z) but the implementation is the one counts more. Besides that, we have to have another plan (in my words Plan Infinity) where you go without plan when all you plans fail. You must be able to work without a blue print, thats wat a real back up plan is.
Our mentality is the one that determines it, we may have near perfect qualities but how perfect you are during crisis id the one that matters most.
so don;t only plan, but implement it plus be prepared to face the unplanned, life would be a wonderful journey...
here i am commencing your blog again.actually when we mention about plan B and everything,only one thing pop up in my mind which is "its not about plan but about how we handle problems". i am a guy who believe that everything can be done if we wish to do so. "THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY" i follow this saying for almost 10years in my life. for me i never know the meaning of disappoinment or failure. as long we have the guts to move forward and face challenges in life then we can come up with many plans although we end up with failure for the 1st attempt but we still can improve ourselves to be better next time and come up with plan B and if still we cant make it, then we come up with plan C.everytime we meet failure means that we are one step closer to victory. plans B doesn't mean that we always have to come up failure,but its shows our maturity and expriences handling problems because we always think ahead then others. never believes in plans but believe in ourselves, then we can make perfect plans. so believe in ourselves then we can make others to believe in us....
well we agree actually with the gen set conviction though at first we were having difficulties what actually gen set means to mankind and how it affect it.. actually what we learn that everything we do in life got a reason and everything we do is for something we want to achieve in our life for our own reason. but what will happen if encounter a road block or a wall stopping our journey? just give up? this is when gen set come into play and could change everything without misleading the route you've taken. what we need is actually plan b. everything we do should plan b cause if the work is stuck then you straight away could use plan b without any doubt or hesitation that usually mke people stress out and feel so down. so plan b is very important and can be a major factor in our daily life.
plan b..ahah..acttractive..for me, i always make the plan b..but, make sure you work your matter how many plans do we have, work on it..plan your work, work your plan..
do we really need plan B?i'm always think about that,but i cant find answer for that question,till i read your article,honestly,i really enjoy read this a human,we cant control what will happen in future,we can only plan..from my experience,its very easy tu plan,but i've got a lot of problem to implement my plan..i'm pretty sure,i'm not the only one face with this,my suggestion is we should have plan B..
Plan b is an ultimate saviour..everytime i have a hard situation i always have my plan b with it really work out..i had applied for creative multimedia course but as a plan b i also applied for engineering..when my plan a didnt work out i skip to my plan b..and now i realy fell in love with engineering..and i know that there's always a plan b 4 plan b is the only solution when we in hard situation..
dear madam zue, im tariq
One said that “It pays to plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.” hence the necessity of having plan B is really vital in our daily life. Im not talking in any paricular part, this refers to our life routine management itself.We as a human being cannot escape from making mistakes and from the God's wrath. Everything need to be well-planned and such-plan B is not an option. Its a NEED. And being a successful engineer is like a dream come true for me. I know it's hard to visualize myself in the future, but who knows? Life is amazing, you know. When there's a will there's a way
dr pn zue.i'm farid
honestly,i think that plan B is really a necessity.why?simple.we're human being and we are suppose to make plans in anything we is God who decide on what will,if things does not turn out the way we want,we should not complain much and just accept the fate.but,God likes people who make efforts in searching of another way to improve excel,having a plan B is one of the way to back yourself up of bad outcomes.after all,it is called the Plan 'Backup'
Salam Pn.Zue,im Hamidi,
About plan B,i agree with some of previous comments that plan B or we often call it as 'backup plan' can act as a saviour in our life.Like what u said in class before,we not only should have plan B,but maybe we should also plan on having 'plan infinity'.Even the machine that's been invented by world's best engineer would gone through some problems and difficulties during operation and if the concept of plan B is being applied by the engineers,im sure problems that arise can be solve in no time.Besides,we as normal human being are not perfect,always commit mistakes and the things that we plan might not turned out the way that we want it to.Because of that,it is better for us to come up with at least one plan B because who knows,u might have to use it later.
A contingency plan or " Plan B" is very important for everyone, especially adults because you never know what fate has in store for you. For example, if a man does not buy health insurance, he is likely to have financial difficulties if he is diagnosed with a chronic illness. Therefore, it is better to be safe than sorry. Life will spring many suprises on you, some pleasant and some agonising. The idea of a "Plan B" is to ensure you meet those bad suprises head on with the ability to make the best out of a dreadful situation.
Hi Puan Zue...
Indeed, a plan B is necessary in all of us. Especially for us who study as an engineer. Even if we planned everything that we are going to do, there's not guarantee that everything will just work out as we planned. There might be some errors or mistakes will happen during the process. And it's this time that our backup plan will be useful. Speaking about backup plan, I personally think that sometimes plan B is not enough, we may even need plan C ore even plan D for backup if things doesn't work out as we expected.
As for me, study in UNITEN was my plan B. At first I was aiming to study in Curtin University Sarawak, which is in my hometown. But because of financial problems, I choose my plan B, by coming here to study. From this experience, I learned how important a plan B is. We should always set up an extra plan no matter what we do, just to back us up if things doesn't proceed like we expected.
Hi pn zue,
Well,I strongly feel that everyone should have their own Plan B in their life.When I was in Form 5,I was interested in cardiology and I planned to be a doctor.Unfortunately,I found that it was too expensive for me to study doctor's courses,so I choose to take engineering courses.Actually doctor and engineer are two totally difference field of study.I was interested in bio,but my physic was always better than my bio,so I give it a try,entered Uniten,and now I enjoy it well.I realise that I am on the right path.After I graduated from Uniten,I will work very hard,save my salaries and take doctor's courses!That's my plan B!To me,plan B is not another plan to backup plan A,but a plan to complete my plan A successfully.
Fascinating ! Before that i didnt know that , there is such thing like 'gen-set' exist ..LoL. TNB engineers are brilliant, they atually figure the 'standby gen-set' idea which can over come the problem when power failure. TNB never disappointed us, with their good and efficient service , we can enjoy our life with light and electricity. Besides, that is also one of my reason which inspire me to study in Uniten, thus i will have a higher chance to be employed to work with TNB . Of course the 'gen-set' idea is good... but when time passes, problem will occur. Its okay with that, because nothing is perfect , even monkey will fall from trees .... Haha =) by the way , like the phrase 'fail to plan , plan to fail'
Hi Pn.Zue~
Yes I agree that we might need some other plans or so-called 'road' to get along if our main objectives are yet to be successful in order to prevent us from getting stuck in the middle of nowhere after we met the setbacks that will make us go no where further..
Like where I am now, Uniten, it is my 'plan B' after all. FYI, was targeting to take Marketing or Business Admin course instead of Engineering. But since my family would prefer me to take something more 'professional', I chose C.E. instead. In my opinion, I feel that although this is the so-called 'backup plan' for me, I still do feel that it is more important to focus on what we have chosen to be and do our best to work it out but not to waste too much time for plan B, C, D, E, etc etc.
In short, I feel that backup plan is a good way to prevent us to 'crash out' in our life yet it is more important to FOCUS on where we are right now, plan for the future and do our best to make things happen instead of having too much worries that we might fail or our plan might not work.
That's all for now. Take care and all the best, Pn.Zue. =)
Hi there again Puan Zue,
"Gen-set" is quite an interesting system as it consist of an electrical generator and an engine (prime mover) mounted together to form a single piece of equipment. This combination is also called an engine-generator set or a gen-set.It is true as what you said about the Gen-set that it teaches us how to be prepared to accept the challenges in life and endour it with every step we take.
I would like to say just one particular statement which is that we have to carry ourself up again whenever we fall.In other words,we should never ever give up eventhough we have failed,instead we should build a fortress wall around ourselves again and stand up strong to go the distance and always try something new and interesting in life.Moreover,we should always have a backup plan just like the function of a gen-set to ensure that everything in our daily life goes smoothly but to tell you the truth,nothing in this world goes smoothly as like everyone would say.I feel that every living being sould always have a plan in life to ensure that we do not stray from our goal and stay on course,keep in mind that if "you fail to plan,you plan to fail".
Thank you for your time Puan Zue,
Yours sincerely,
Hi Pn.Zue. I'm Shao Yang
In my opinion, plan B is there to ensure your main plan to succeed 100%. If something goes wrong with the original plan, at least we have a backup plan to ensure everything is under your control. Life is not as smooth as what we think, some problems might pop out and stop our initial planning. So,if we prepare a plan B,then everything will be solved easily.
That's very interesting, Wei Chong, to perceive that Plan B indeed completes Plan A. We shall meet some day with d dream fulfilled! Dr Tee...
hi.... pn zue , i am jan yang
instead of carry on (standby gen-set) , why not our TNB comes out another plan that not only back up the electric bt increase the power plant or in the way increase the generating of power supply so that can totally minimize the percentage of break down ...
by the way , talking about ambition & plan B .... i believe that small amount of stdent now cant follow their plan A 2 choose the course they lik ... taking me 2 b the example , my ambition is wan 2 b a chief that cook in the grand hotel & dreaming 2 own a recipe book that writen by me ... bt now i am taking foundation in engineering ... so only thing thing that can hope is i hav extra time 2 let me take extra cooking course ....
Hi Pn.Zue.I'm Pavithran jay..
I have read about the 'Gen-Set' product.It's a quite interesting product and it not only made for residential power supply purpose.There are many types of generators as their power sources are different such as diesel,spark-ignition and natural gases. Eventough it is a kind of high-tech product,i would say that we can use this product as our Plan B.It is also considerable that 'Gen-set' is designed to meet our reqiuirments for reliability,power quality,rated performance and efficient operation,but,it is not safe to use as domain power supply since it cant function due to some factors as stated in your article.
I would say enginering is a passion for me and i'll sure encourage people to become an engineer,,and this is not exceptional for my childrens in future,because everything needs engineering directly or indirectly..I'm ready for every challenges,ready to perform and i'll cosistent in my efforts and attempts as i learned from this 'Gen-set' product.....
Thank you Pn.Zue
According to the text that i go through, i get to know a few more regarding the new patent called Gen-set.So proud of the environmental friendly creation due to our surrounding condition which is getting worst and worst as time runs.But unfortunately, we have to face with several risk to run this generator as described in the passage.Based on my opinion, eventhough this device is useful, it should be beared from using it now.This is because new devices usualy produce problems and might effect the whole country.To overcome such problem, we should carry on with our previous electrical system while the new device is inspected thoroughly.Furthermore, the sytem that we are using now is not harmful for us.Therefore, it would be no matter to continue with our old electrical system.
by thines.
hi Pn.Zue,
I'm Rama.From my point of view, an alternative plan is crucial to play safe although it sounds very common.Every individual should have one when going through any challenges because this will ensure us that are in a safe zone and prepare us for unexpected situation.In this case,I'm glad TNB
have a back up plan for Gen-set just to ensure continuous supply of current for us.This alternative plan make we sure we get continuous curret supply.In conclusion, paln B is a necessity and we should practise it.
olla Pn Zue
"the same thing will never work twice." it always been my wisdom to take the lead in my life. most of the time people would say that nobody is perfect and yet it is true however we can try to be perfect by think two or three times ahead of everybody. that is how plans worked."if something seems not right, go left." although it is a funny quote for some people, it is meaningful for me. why? life is always about options and choices and the way we make choices is how we plan things ahead. It is true as what you said about the Gen-set that it teaches us how to be prepared to accept the challenges in life and endour it with every step we is simple yet so hard if we take to long to think. however, problems make our life seems to have emotions and feelings. we can feel sad, happy and angry for having problems. problems are not challenges but problem solving is. that is where we need to think not only by our brain but heart. after all i mumbling around, there is only one thing i would like to stress out. people are dead not only if they died but also if they left their life without options and plans. thus, do plan for your life.
till we meet again Pn Zue
Good afternoon, Pn.Zue.
It is very obvious that almost everyone has some plans for their future, and they are surely looking forward to make their plans achievable. With the enthusiasm to be ready to accept challenges, ready to perform and consistent effort, one has high possibilities to achieve his/her dreams. However as you said in the blog, sometimes, people tend to take their plans for granted. They fail to set , fail to carry the load and fail to sustain the load.So what happens when they fail ? Here is where plan b comes in handy.
However, i think in this long journey of life, its not just plan A or plan B. In life, we must be prepared to face any kind of changes, and failures. We must learn to adopt with whatever life brings in our paths.Looking from another perspective, live wouldn't be as interesting as it is, if everything went as planned, would it ?
salam pn zue.
"we just plan,God the one who decide it to happen".To me,it's a must to have backup plans.Lets say when an engineer become an engineer of KLCC,he/she need backup plan due to rise of oil&concrete price.If there is no plan B,for sure instead of BMW X3 perhaps it ended with a trishaw maybe.Dont forget that man is not perfect,so trigger your mind for a backup plan.cheers.;)
Hi Pn.Zue,
'Gen-set'? What is that? That was the first question pop out in my mind. But after I read through this blog and also google it, then only i found out that was a brilliant invention by engineers.
Well,I agree that we always need a Plan B or so called 'back-up' plan in our life to ensure our goals successfully achieved at last no matter what problems we will face. We know that everybody makes mistakes. We suppose to plan before take action rather than only start figure out something when meet stumbling block.
Everything in this world relate to money. When we graduate, we work, the meaning behind these is also money. I myself eager to earn lot money maybe because I'm not born with golden spoon. Now, I'm learning an online investment called Forex Trading which I believe can bring me a good income in future. I'm not saying that an engineer has a low income, but nobody will ensure that you will have a job as engineer once you graduate right? So, for me, I have already set my 'Plan B'. Others might think that I'm still young and is too early for me to do this. But what I have done now is I have already plan.
As conclusion, back-up plan is good for future and makes us to have no worries when our main plan doesn't work. Likes the phrase 'fail to plan, plan to fail', is meaningful =)
Assalamualaikum Pn. Zue,
Well, I agree that we should plan our lives. And since we are most definitely not allknowing, there are infinitesimal possibilities of how our lives are going to turn out. That's my student ID at the top by the way.
Before going further, let me share two wise (depends on how you view them) quotes :
" If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"
"Not everything goes according to plan"
Okay, the last one was mine truly.
Anyways, the first quote is direct enough. If you plan nothing, then you're screwed. Now applying some mathemathical reasoning :
"If A=B, then B=A"
So, if you're screwed, then you plan nothing.
But wait a minute, look at the second quote. Based on that, if you're screwed, then it doesn't mean you plan nothing (maybe not thorough enough? ).
Therefore, for instances such as these, it is very helpful to have a plan B. Oh, wait, what happens if Plan B go awry too ? Then, Plan C.
Then, how about if....? Then Plan ... .
You don't have to actually execute a new plan for every mishap on the main plan. Sometimes you can just build upon the main plan. Think of it as taking a different route (a detour or something) or like patching it up with Band-aid.
It's like playing a game of chess. You make a move, the opponent (in this case probably the Almighty) reacts (or influence it). Like the 3rd Newton's Law dictates :
"for every action, there's an opposite but equal in magnitude, reaction" (you can omit the 'opposite' adjective on some occasion).
Last but not least, it all comes down to how you handle your life. I mean, hey, if everything goes according to YOUR plan, then where's the suspense, the tension, the surprise and hence the meaning of life. There would be no adventure. Well, true it's very simple if all goes to plan, n=but a mishap here and there add spices to life.
"To err is human, to forgive divine"
Besides, the sudden detour we have to make actually made us learn things. Eventually, these learnt stuff compiled to become our EXPERIENCE.
So, plan wisely but don't go hysterical if you have to detour here and there.
Good day.
Oh My Lord, a friend of mine told me to comment on a whole different post other than this. Thanks Ahmad Firdaus bin Azman, thanks a lot. Well, it was entirely my fault actually, since I forgot which post to comment on.
Anyways, I'm not gonna make this entirely grammatically correct, since reading it would prove to be very boring and dull. So, I'll be straight and I'll be frank about it.
What I'm doing in UNITEN here and now, is not even a Plan B. It wasn't even a plan to begin with. I had no interest in going to UNITEN in the first place. But I'm here, and I'm lovin' it. The simple fact is, God has plans for us. We all have a destiny to fulfill, and no matter which road we take in life, in the end, what was meant for us will be given. Though this is somewhat a more spiritual analysis on life, I will give a logical analysis as well.
Nothing goes according to plan. The cosmic power of randomness will always be in full effect in our daily lives. The thing is that when someone is so set on something, tunnel-vision all around, they forget that most of the time, what was planned, will not go smoothly, and therefore, dislocate off-course. (That was a lot of commas wasn't it? I meant the commas as pauses, read it that way.)
My mind on the matter is that, there should be no limit to your number of plans, not from A-Z, not from WGA 9691 to NAT 66, not to and fro anywhere, but to be infinite. The basic plan of life, is to be 5 to 10 steps ahead. The downside to this would only be that once someone looks forward only to the future, the present is neglected. And the present is what we must concentrate on the most, since the present is what determines our future. The past is past. And what you were or what you did in the past is all behind you. What you do now and what you achieve now is what matters. If speaking statistically, me being in UNITEN here is actually my 789812639612672163th plan. Since I travel with my family too much, I neither have a steady life, nor friends. Although, this proves to be both good and bad. Good, in terms do I put this...ever heard of the saying, "Jauh perjalanan, luas permandangan."? Exactly. Being far away from home (Malaysia) has put me in a broader prospective than it should. It has opened up my mind to accept other cultures, and accept the world, accept the people. Bad, in terms of, losing friends, having those you know forgetting you, and this, having friends, in my opinion, is something very important in one's life. Without friends (The good ones anyways.), we lose the things we need the most. A good laugh. So, not to get derailed here, I'll get right back on track.
To those who have things going according to plan, Kudos to you. Keep up the good work.
To those whose plans keep changing, Kudos to you too. Keep going, and whats important is to get back up every time you fall. Keep trying, and keep persevering.
Kudos to all.
Without wax,
Ikmal Hakim
For me plan B always a necessity and a must for our main plan in case there is any imperfection in our major plan. In other words, plan B is the backup for our main plan. PLAN B is always needed in our life as it can actually change our destiny.For me, there was always a plan B whenever there is a major plan. I always wanted to be in the field of mass communication, but the tuition fees for this course is quite high and it is hard to get a scholarship. SO i decided to look forward for plan B to study as an engineerings as it works as a backup for me. And at last i choose uniten because i able to get scholarship for this course in the same times i love physics very much.
Ideas on second plan or so-called plan B is always been an options for people. Plan B is for those that unsure of their Plan A which might bring failure. But worry not, I'm one of them that had a lot of plans ahead. Shall we meet again and discuss about my Plan B. :P
halo,Pn. Zue
I'm Eng yang
After read this article,i‘m aware the important about the "Plan B" in our life.Although it just a function to backup for our "Plan A".
Since we still in primary school,our class teacher always ask us to fill up the ambition blank.But she never told us the reason or purpose to fill up the blank.So,we were start thinking about what is my ambition and which area is my expertise....It's ’Civil Engineering‘ or a 'Fisherman'...Finally i was chose to be a Civil Engineer after passed in spm..
In my opinion,'Plan B' is the another plan to backup our main plan(Plan A).....Because everybody will do a mistake or wrong choice in their life.....At least we have a next plan to ensure our following step can be done and solve easily without any regret.
I think to be a teacher was my 'Plan B' while my 'Plan A' could not be success....But focus in what we do it now that is important thing...Because everything is impossible....
That's all....
Dear madam Zue, I'm Fitrie
In my opinion, we should always come out with Plan B in order to support our Plan A. It is not just the army who need the Plan B, we as the normal people also need that. Having a plan B is just like killing two birds with a stone. It means we can do two things at a same time, which are supporting our Plan A and train ourselves to be a good planner. As many people said, we as a human being definitely cannot escape from making mistakes without we realizing it. Honestly, i never come out with Plan B in my life. Sorry, that's just a joke.. :-)
Hi Pn Zue,im Chiam Yung Sheng
well,i agree with you that we should have plan B or so-called backup plan for ourself if our initial plan is failed.Firstly i wanna share what i have experienced in my life,my ambition is to bcome a civil engineer since small and my life is not as smooth as what i expected.My early planning after my spm is to enter private uni or college to study civil eng.and the only last choice i will do is taking form6 but something happen to my family and i choosen form 6 as my plan B.I have done badly in my form6 and I choose Uniten as my plan C which is almost similar in my initial planning to do my foundation.Everyone is not perfect in this world and yet everybody done mistakes in their life and i correct it by putting more effort in my foundation and finally i got the result that im quite happy with.Now im doing great in Uniten and enjoy my life here with a bunch of good friends and still working hard to get a better result =)
hye Pn.Zue
I'm karan here from section 17. well, as for me my ambition was to become a aeronautical engineer.but I couldnt enrolled in UTM to pursue my studies there.However by completing foundation in mechanical engineering also could lead me to major my studies into aerospace thing.This was my second plan when my first plan breaks into pieces when my application was rejected by them. haha... Hence what I would like to say that planning helps me to provide guidelines and goals for my future decision.This emphasize myself quantify goals and establish a means of measuring success in here at UNITEN.I guess i'm doing quite well here and hoping the best in my third semester also.Yeah well said Pn.zue,to perceive that Plan B indeed completes Plan A. i'm doing that i guess! Therefore,i conclude that even in ur plan u have those objective and implementation without a well prepared evaluation its not gonna work!! tc..
Well, i am very agree to have plan B.
Nowadays, there are not much people who has plan B. This is why most of us will face with those unnecessary problems.
From the Gen-set, we should have to know that we must always be prepared for alternative ways to make/solve our problems easier.
Chances are always given to those people who are well prepared.
So, take the chance to move ourself from one mountain to another mountain.
AK85195 said
hi Pn.Zue
my name is K.Thinagaran
Regarding the text,the plan B(Gen-set) is very good idea tht can over come the problem when power failure.It is better to use the current technology which is plan A until the plan A cnt b used.So tht then the plan B cn help us to have a power supply.Based on this,we also should have a plan B to backup our life.This wil help us to achieve our goal.Eventhough we have a plan B,we must concentrat on plan A to achieve our goal.So the plan B nt only will backup us as well will help and safe us from failure.i hope tht all my frenz will make a plan B to backup your speech....hehe...anyhw gud luck to al my
bye Pn.Zue
my name is mohammad khairul ikhwan
in my opinion...
there should be plan b in everything we doing..
it because human is not perfect
so..if tne plan a is not working..we will have the back up plan
so we do not panic..
thank you
salam Pn zue..
i'm iqbal..
As for me why is having plan B a vital part of success?not only do back-up plan keep you calm in times of pressure, but they also offer two impportants attributes before planning anything in life..FLEXIBILITY and ADAPTABILITY.
flexibility allows you to change plan without notice which means you can adapt to any situation that rises to achieve your goal.there are areas in life you should always have backu-up plans
as example is our finance..if we are at least 35 years of age and have not opened a savings accoun, do it now..we must always have a retirement plan.
this is especially important for those earning in hospitality industry with companies do not offer you benefits of retirement.perhaps you think retirement may seem like a long way off, but by opening an account is a step in the right direction towards ensuring your stability later on in life..
As conclusion you should never assume that what you plan today will work for you tomorrow..just make one for yourself..
Salam Pn. Zue,
Thank you madam for this wonderful post and I'm Mohamad Affridzal.Based on your post,it's a great infomation for an IT student like me who don't really know much about engineering.
Firstly,I like your idea about people must learn from the gen-set scenario which are ready to accept challenges,ready to perform and consistent in our effort and attempts in all undertakings.As a student like me,surely I will have many challenges that I would have to be ready and go through the challenges.For example in order to get a scholarship from any organization I must score with flying colours.As for getting ready to perform, I should be alert and ready on the various task given by lecturers.Based on the last point of your post which is consistent in our effort and attempts in all undertakings,it is heavily related to students that being consistent in our studies,we can achieve "4 flat" easily.hopefully:)
Basically,if we follow these 3 advices,we would be able to excel in our studies.
I'm Qamarul from section 17. Man can plan so much, but only god decides it.This statement can relate to every single human being and this does not exclude myself.I have always wanted to study aeronautical engineering, I have sent all the particulars, but I did not get the reply.That can only mean one thing, that my request has been rejected.Then I look at my second option, that was to take a course in UNITEN.If I had not thought of a back up plan to study in UNITEN, I would have missed the intake and would waste precious time to look a place to continue my studies.The moral of the story is that a back up plan will save precious time and money.
Till we meet up in class
Qamarul signing off :)
Hi Pn's me again,Fatin from section 17.For me,what can i conclude from your blog is not about the stuff called "Gen-set" but is the important of plan B or backup plan.I think everyone is talking about the same thing.Me,myself don't like to do things twice.I don't like to think for plan B.But sometimes my "perfectness" always lasted to mistakes..As we know that we as a human are not perfect at all.We always make mistakes again,again and again.That's why we always need backup plan to complete our tasks,jobs or works in our life.Can you try imagine there's a lot of backup plans that you try but finally you succeed?Can you try imagine how's that feeling?It was wonderful!I've felt it..As long as we never give up and we have spirit to fight we never lose.As the example,Japanese.Just now, I heard the news,Japan's Prime Minister said that they will arise back after the Tsunami in a short term because they still have a lots of inventory that can rebuild their country.What I've learnt from this is we should never give up and always must have backup plans to succeed.
Greetings Pn. Zue,
In my opinion, the necessity of a back up plan, Plan B is needed in our lives. Plan B ensures a smooth flow of an event or project if unforeseen circumstances arise and Plan A is forced to crumble. As an example, during my period after SPM in Year 2010, I was supposed to be enrolled into University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, Plan A. But due to it's high enrollment fees, my parents and I decide to study in UniTeN instead, which has an excellent reputation in it's engineering courses. Going to UniTeN was my Plan B in that point of life.
Humans silly creatures. We always make mistakes no matter how we train ourselves. Thats the a curse but also a blessing. Why? The only Being which can be perfect is God Himself. If we were giving the gift of making no mistakes, we would be perfect like God himself. Now, that be absurd and unimaginable.
Finally, the integration of Plan B into our lives is crucial and vital. I vividly suggest to those who's not practicing the habit of carrying out a Plan B to start now. It's better to be late than never.
Thank you,
Andrew Low.
Well,I'm sure that most of us have always set up a 'Plan B' or so called 'back-up plan' to ensure that we can successfully achieve our goals, unless you want to be a loser for your entire life. Back-up plan is not being made for fun but is to make sure that your 'journey' still go on whenever your main plan meets stumbling stone. If that happen,you still can take another route that you had plan earlier to continue your 'journey'.
For me, I already have a Plan B since the day I choose M.E as my main plan. I'm now learning an online investment called Forex which I believe will bring me a steady income in future. I'm not mean that engineer has low income, but who will guarantee that you surely will get a job as engineer once you graduate right? Others maybe will think that I'm still young and is too early for me to think about money this stuff. But, I'm clearly know that what I have done now is I have already planned,I have decided what I'm gonna do in future.
That's all for now.
Thanks for your time,Pn.Zue
*If there's a repeat, it's because I had already post a comment before and it doesn't displayed.I'm unsure that my post was sent or accidentally deleted.
I personally feel that the move for any corperation or organization to have a back-up plan like the Gen-set shows how much preparation is being made by them to make sure they can continuosly serve. They make-sure that in any case of a malfunction, there will not be a discontinuity of options or operation that would lead to disasters. Taking the example that was given, it can be clearly said that having back-up plans are a necessity for we can never predict what may happen to us, therefor it is better to have planned to the last detail. By doing so we give ourselves some space to breath or relax, in other words to calmly relax and think of a logical and rasional solution in case a problem a rises. With that said, a back-up plan must also be freequently changing as well as it is impossible for a plan to work out for any situation regardless of the amplitude of the problem. It is therefor important to be both flexible and prepared in handling things as we are with viewing life.
hi Pn Zue
plan B remind me about tv-series drama, leverage. the team are never fail in their jobs because they always plan their jab carefully and have the back up plan to cover the mistakes they have done in their original plan. to conclude, we should take iniative to cover our mistakes in our jobs so that the jobs can be done smoothly.
hmmm..Each person has their ability and weakness..there's nobody in this world is perfect..As for me,the plan B is the most important if I have stucked in my problem..I just arranged the plan B but not use quickly..The problem now,how about plan A?Its can be better if I put high effort for plan A..Unless,I only put a little bit of attempt for plan A..Without further thinking,throughly use the plan B..So,I concluded that plan B is the best way to applied if I have been tried to success but lastly there was a failed..At the last of the day,I like to remember this word"there's a will, there's a way..Thank you.
Planning is crucial, no matter how spontaneous the situation is. Though, we don't deny that some people are just talented, they execute whats best in every way. But to be real, planning is always the foundation of a great execution. Having a good plan of A, B, C.. is one thing, the performance to plan is another. What actually will be accounted to many is the execution itself. Some people are big thinkers, but lack in execution. Some just work their way out independent to plan and end up amiss. To be smart, we should win both sides. Having plan A and plan B is all together one plan. The ideas, values and energy in the plan only matters with a good execution call.
hi pn zue,
In my opinion, having a plan B is always good and actually, we should always plan in such a way. There are times when we want to reach our goals, there might be some interferences and problems. Thus, by having a plan B, we can be flexible, and yet still able to reach our main goals. If we don't have any alternative, should a situation arise, we will get stuck or held back. Moreover, plan B also gives us many options. Having multiple options at hand means that we do not limit ourselves in terms of choice. Like others who had mentioned, if their plan A failed, its not the end of the world and we can still choose to take plan B, either to complement our original plan or otherwise. Thank you pn zue.
Plans. it's important to have plans in our life as what i think. Actually, i enrolled uniten cause i don't really have much other interest in. When i was form 3, i had a dream to become an animation director. But it's just a dream. it's impossible to make a comfortable living with that job.
But now, i also doing something i like. MechE. It's actually the plan B i had when i was form 5. Quite unbelievable isn't it?
Like most of them mentioned above, "Plan B made Plan A perfect"
it's true.
Imagine that even my Plan A, that is, to be an anime director, have failed. I can still be an engineer first, which serve as a Plan B. Then i still can carry out the plan A. Why not?
For my opinion, even if plan A failed us, just don't ditch on it just yet. Sit down, and think. What can we do when we still have this and that. Even what we left i just a poor life, we still have hope.
so why not we just plan first, let plan B be an selective option in our life. Decisions are our own to make.
sometimes life is not as easy as we expected to be. I strongly agree that in life we should have a plan A and plan B for success. But we still need a plan C if both cannot be achieved. We must have many plans that have been set up for success. for example, like me .. at first I had a lot of ambition, well like all of us .. that started from primary school. by now i didn't realize that im interested to be a multimedia guy .. Because of just one influence to the computer .. but i think that if i dont get what i want? what Should i do .. thats why i have plan to be anything that related to computer profession like system networking, or be software developer maybe, or maybe a "kind-hearted" hacker! xD and that was plan C.
Good Afternoon Miss.Zue !!!!
Sorry for the late comment becouse I had some miscommunication with my friends about this virtual class.
Well, my opinion about plan B is, it is always necessary and sometimes migth be on demand. Although humans always go for their original plan but several back up plan is always needed. From my experience, i always have a number of plans when doing something. For me there is no such thing like plan A or plan B. I will give important to every plan that I have on my head. I will analyse all the plans and take the most convenient plan at the end of the day. The plan I took will work out every time. So, it is important to have some plans before start a work. We must think out every possibilities that could occur when we work out on something. At the end we could see the success from it.
Thank you.
salam pn.Zu
i am sorry for the very-very late respond..forgive me..
I like this topic..having a backup plan every time..just in case the first one is not working as we want..
"we can't back down"
What's a plan without "plan b"..maybe more..of course the first one is the best..but we can't against the nature of life...we are not god; who can do anything,human just can plan..and hope things will happen accordingly to what we have planned.
i believes that every religion have their own practice it often..god's willing,the plan will work nicely.
trust me.
"who fail to plan,actually he plan to fail"..
c'mon guys!! we gotta plan our life..or thing about it..
Wow, before viewing this article I never knew that there's such "Gen-set" that exists. It's a perfect plan for TNB to supply continuous electricity to the clients. Like us, it is a necessity for us to have a second or even third or even more plans to make sure that our first plan runs smoothly and perfect. In case if our first plan fails, we still have some backup-plans to carry out. Instead, it is good to have more than one plan at a time, especially for those who are indecisive because it gives us more choices. Thus, we can choose the best among those choices and concentrate on our choice.
hi pn syafiqah athira.
life is not always be so smoothly and peacefully. sometimes in our life, we faces the problem and we need the backup plans.
'the way out is through' so, we need to face whatever problems it is even though we don't have a backup plans.
that why in every single things that we do, we must comes with backup plans. so, if anything happens in future, we know how to deal it. =)
Since i was young, i have decided to become an engineer, without any strong, solid reason. But i think it's most probably influenced by my family's background. I have followed my father to those construction sites since i was 4years old or even younger, maybe. In my mind, he is the person I respect the most. When he faced problems, he will 'break his brain' to think the best way to solve it. Although it is so tough, but i'm sure that the feeling and satisfaction that he get after solving a tough problem is amazing. Ya, he is a dome specialist. Hopefully i can be a person like him in the future.
we all do need back up plan in everything we do. not everything is perfect. that's why back up plan is important if there is something wrong happened. at least it can save us. we should be prepared for all things. therefore, back up plan is always needed for us to success.
Good day Puan zue, here i am taking up my "second chance"
can i take this as my plan B? =D
Truth be told. Studying here in UNITEN is in fact PLAN B already. No i'm not talking about a failed plan A that forced me to take up Plan B. More like Prepare Plan B before taking up Plan A.
If you wanna know what Plan A is, You can ask me in private =D. But anyways, the reason i've taken up this Plan B prep first is because of my mum's constant advice(nagging). But so far, mum's advices has proven to be a pretty solid choice (usually no choice). It's true that the path i wanna take is risky and would pose huge problems should i fail to undertake it's risks, that's why it was necessary to study another 5 years to prevent a huge downfall and a painfull lesson.
Anyways, what i wanted to say is, It's necessary to have a plan B. If it's hard to understand whatever i'm trying to say on top. Just take it as simple as, Preparing Plan B before taking up Plan A.
assalamualaikum puan zue..i strongly agree with the idea of plan b.i mean we as human being would never know what will happen in the future. you know what they say; sometimes things don't go according to plan.But having said all that,we too must work our very best to make our plan A worked. Then, if we failed we shall not be dissapointed much as we already all prepared with Plan B and so on.Before i end this, i would love to share this one quote which is " if we failed to plan,then we plan to fail".Think!
What is a plan? Plan is divided into steps or point form for you to analysis and to reach the place you want to go. A person can have many plans, from his personal life to workings days. In companies where business plans exist give us an overlook of how the outcome will be if work is carried out.
Some people don’t notice the planning. Do you? We are growing up as planned since we are born. We go to nursery then slowly to college. We cannot jump queue the plan. How to? Can we go to university without going through our pre-schools and higher schools examinations…etc. we can’t. If your dream is to become a lawyer, you need to study laws or a salesperson, you’re to have a good communication skill.
In our everyday life, we plan what or where to eat; where to go after work; what to buy; what time to reach a place; we’ve so many plans all day. When you finish college, you step into another stage of planning whereby you’ve to go out to work, parents will no longer support you. When you’ve adequate earnings, you’ll plan when to get married, have children and so on.
There’s a quote say ‘Fail to plan is plan to fail’. Do you agree? You need a plan to work things out. If you have no plan, you’ll find yourself going no where, end up stuck or lost. But things will go a lot smoother when you have a plan in hand. You’ll find more time and success will come as you follow the step by step procedure.At last,your life will end up with the all good things.
We are as a human being should have plans for every thing that we are going to do because that the only way to do things easily .Engineers are supposed to concern about plans firstly because all the designs or work that they do should have plans previously which makes the work better and addition,all the people must get awareness about making plans before doing anything .
Plan B is a popular term used to mean a reserved, secondary plan, in case a first plan (a hypothetical 'Plan A') fails. Plan B, I always have plan B in my life. It is because when the first plan is not work properly and it will turn to plan B. Plan B for me can be the backup plan. For the first, I want to become a pilot, but since my result is not too good and I have to change it to plan B to become an engineer. It does not matter as long as you like what you have planned and go through with what you want and achieve the target.
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