Salam & Greetings to all.
081110 - I lost my most precious gem and my forever better-half. My husband had to leave for a long break from all the pain that he has endured for approximately 11 years, suffering from end-stage renal failure, infection of the spine as well as heart valve.He has taken God's challenge with elegance and composure, never complained about the ordeal and always treasuring every moment with us with so much love, hugs and kisses, and family vacations. We almost always forgot that he was ill and life was pretty normal much like the rest.
Allah knows best, and we all accept this destiny. Still,this separation hurts because i have loved him for 20 solid years...and have raised our three wonderful kids together. Now that i am a single parent, i only have Allah to help me pull through during tough times. Nevertheless, i have overwhelming and wonderful memories with him that i hang on to so tightly in order to stay strong. As a husband, he has been very loving, caring, supportive of my career, and absolutely adorable. He's my forever 'prince charming', 'knight in a shining armour' and 'high school sweetheart'. I love him very much.
To all my readers, friends, colleagues and students who may only learn about this piece of truth at this very moment, please join me in praying for his most blessed and cozy heavenly slumber. As you read the posts in my blog, please also remember that it is my beloved husband who CREATED this academic blog and generated the concept. Hence, if you have found this blog educational, beneficial, and knowledgeable in any possible way, i owe it all to him.
Everytime i wrote an article for my students and readers, he would be the faithful husband-editor, muse and conscience. I would read aloud my posts and he always completely smiled, nodded in approval, and gave constructive comments...and of course, he was also excited whenever i wrote about family trips and vacations...well..he simply loves holidays...
Lastly, my heartiest gratitude to all of you who have visited us at our humble abode, UNITEN mosque as well as the cemetery. Thanks also for your kind prayers during tahlil and yassin recitals. On his behalf, i pray may Allah bless you always.
Allah knows best, and we all accept this destiny. Still,this separation hurts because i have loved him for 20 solid years...and have raised our three wonderful kids together. Now that i am a single parent, i only have Allah to help me pull through during tough times. Nevertheless, i have overwhelming and wonderful memories with him that i hang on to so tightly in order to stay strong. As a husband, he has been very loving, caring, supportive of my career, and absolutely adorable. He's my forever 'prince charming', 'knight in a shining armour' and 'high school sweetheart'. I love him very much.
To all my readers, friends, colleagues and students who may only learn about this piece of truth at this very moment, please join me in praying for his most blessed and cozy heavenly slumber. As you read the posts in my blog, please also remember that it is my beloved husband who CREATED this academic blog and generated the concept. Hence, if you have found this blog educational, beneficial, and knowledgeable in any possible way, i owe it all to him.
Everytime i wrote an article for my students and readers, he would be the faithful husband-editor, muse and conscience. I would read aloud my posts and he always completely smiled, nodded in approval, and gave constructive comments...and of course, he was also excited whenever i wrote about family trips and vacations...well..he simply loves holidays...
Lastly, my heartiest gratitude to all of you who have visited us at our humble abode, UNITEN mosque as well as the cemetery. Thanks also for your kind prayers during tahlil and yassin recitals. On his behalf, i pray may Allah bless you always.
im sorry for your lost pn zue...
Al Salam Aliqum
Dear Ma'am,
we have sadly received this news and we are praying for him. Amin
as we know death is the end of the human life. However, many people died and left memories for others.
they still life in our minds with their great memories. life with their actions that benefit our society.
let the god bless him and ours
Dear ma'am
I'm so sorry to hear this sad news . The death is rightful rule on us from our God . Therefor, we should believe by Allah and be stronger in this case . All we have to do just pray and read Al-Quran for him. now excuse me ma'am to post AlFatihah on your blog.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ (1)
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (2) الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ (3) مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ (4) إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ (5) اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاط الْمُسْتَقِيمَ (6) صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ (7)
i m sorry 4 ur lost pn.zue
may god bless ur husbands soul...
be strong...
time will heal everythin....
Heartfelt condolences on your loss, Pn. Zue. Reading your post this time, it moved me knowing how much of an inspiration your husband was to you.
Yet, Pn Zue you I believe he left knowing that he's leaving you strong, calm and a pillar of inspiration to your kids, your students and all those who know you.
I pray for his soul to rest in peace eternally.
Take care.
Al Salam Alikum
Dear Ma'am,
We are completely shocked by hearing this news. May God give him eternal rest and may his soul rest in peace. Please be strong and accept our condolences.
All my sympathy is with you.
You have my deepest condolences, Puan Zue. God will put his loving arms around you and your family. Just stay strong.
Regards, Nirosha
I was so touched reading this post Pn Zue. I think this is true love. It is just like one of the fairy tales but in the world of reality. May you be blessed after going through the most hurtful event of your life. Your perseverance and endurance to have faith in God is most respectable. I wish that you will lead a happy life even though you are now a single mother. I believe that Mr Rashidi is now watching you in heaven. All the best!
im sorry for ur lost puan zue. may god bless his soul. stay strong puan zue..
Salam Pn.Zue..
i'm sorry for ur lost, pn zue.. I hope u will stay strong, because Allah knows the best. Everything happens for a reason , please be tough pn zue.. we all, your students always pray for you. May Allah bless him , Amin.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين الرحمن الرحيم مالك يوم الدين اياك نعبد واياك نستعين اهدنا الصراط المستقيم صراط الذين انعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الظالين
Alsalam Alaikum
Dear Ma'am
i have sadly when i read the article.dont be weak heart, be strong because this is live and its end for everyone.And i ask ALLAH to bless him and forgive his sins.
This is prayer for him
(ALLAH forgive and refine his sins as a white garment from impurity ALLAH substitute him a home better than his home and the people better than his people.Ask ALLAH to enter him to JANNA and protect him from the torment of grave and hell . ALLAH reward him for his charity,charity and for his mistake amnesty and forgiveness and ask ALLAH to mercy all dead Muslims.AMEN
Alex Ngam: Sorry to hear of your lost Pn Zue. I hope we new students will make u cheerful always :D
Thanks Alex,
Indeed, i always fall back on this post and these honest and wonderful comments for courage and strength. It took me quite a while to finally write my pledge to my beloved husband here on d blog. Thanks friends and beloved students for being there for me during happy and sad moments. Yupp!!! I'm always thankful to God because every semester, i'm granted a bunch of students who share a lot with's tremendously awesome...! thanks a zillion. To all, may God bless you alwiz.
Dear Puan Zue,
I extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your husband. I wish I had words to comfort and sustain you in your grief, but I know there are none that will take away any pain you are feeling now. My heart aches for you, Puan Zue, and my arms long to embrace you. Even my knees know your grief, as I have been on them in prayer for you.
Although words seem futile now in the midst of your sorrow, they are all I have to give you. Please accept these written words as warm hugs to wrap yourself in.
In sympathy,
I am very sorry for ur lost and I pray from the deepest part of my heart for ur husband to be placed in the highest stage of paradise. I advice u not to be so sad because this life is not the real and permanent life for all of us it is a big gate to the real and true life……
GOD bless him, I don't know what to say since hears it. Words don't come but it doesn't mean I haven't prayed, the only thing I can say; Im always available to help in any matter or problem in your future life. You can count on me Puan.
uhuuu...i miss my hubby...
today we got good news from Coach Sting...yupp..Farah has been selected to represent Putrajaya for a Badminton TOurnament in Melaka...i thought i saw tears in Farah's eyes..if Dad were around, he'd be happiest..well..badminton is my hubby's plan for our kids', i shall carry out my responsibility to make his dream come true...ANAK-ANAK SHIDEE!!
James..if u read with my kids some day yeah...
i am sorry for your lost pn zue.everything has been preordained by Allah.He is all-knowing and He knows what's the best for us.
dear mrs zu...
i am sorry for ur husband lost...salam takziah.....
may Allah bless him...
time will heal everything, stay strong =']
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