Salam & Greetings to all.
081110 - I lost my most precious gem and my forever better-half. My husband had to leave for a long break from all the pain that he has endured for approximately 11 years, suffering from end-stage renal failure, infection of the spine as well as heart valve.He has taken God's challenge with elegance and composure, never complained about the ordeal and always treasuring every moment with us with so much love, hugs and kisses, and family vacations. We almost always forgot that he was ill and life was pretty normal much like the rest.
Allah knows best, and we all accept this destiny. Still,this separation hurts because i have loved him for 20 solid years...and have raised our three wonderful kids together. Now that i am a single parent, i only have Allah to help me pull through during tough times. Nevertheless, i have overwhelming and wonderful memories with him that i hang on to so tightly in order to stay strong. As a husband, he has been very loving, caring, supportive of my career, and absolutely adorable. He's my forever 'prince charming', 'knight in a shining armour' and 'high school sweetheart'. I love him very much.
To all my readers, friends, colleagues and students who may only learn about this piece of truth at this very moment, please join me in praying for his most blessed and cozy heavenly slumber. As you read the posts in my blog, please also remember that it is my beloved husband who CREATED this academic blog and generated the concept. Hence, if you have found this blog educational, beneficial, and knowledgeable in any possible way, i owe it all to him.
Everytime i wrote an article for my students and readers, he would be the faithful husband-editor, muse and conscience. I would read aloud my posts and he always completely smiled, nodded in approval, and gave constructive comments...and of course, he was also excited whenever i wrote about family trips and vacations...well..he simply loves holidays...
Lastly, my heartiest gratitude to all of you who have visited us at our humble abode, UNITEN mosque as well as the cemetery. Thanks also for your kind prayers during tahlil and yassin recitals. On his behalf, i pray may Allah bless you always.
Allah knows best, and we all accept this destiny. Still,this separation hurts because i have loved him for 20 solid years...and have raised our three wonderful kids together. Now that i am a single parent, i only have Allah to help me pull through during tough times. Nevertheless, i have overwhelming and wonderful memories with him that i hang on to so tightly in order to stay strong. As a husband, he has been very loving, caring, supportive of my career, and absolutely adorable. He's my forever 'prince charming', 'knight in a shining armour' and 'high school sweetheart'. I love him very much.
To all my readers, friends, colleagues and students who may only learn about this piece of truth at this very moment, please join me in praying for his most blessed and cozy heavenly slumber. As you read the posts in my blog, please also remember that it is my beloved husband who CREATED this academic blog and generated the concept. Hence, if you have found this blog educational, beneficial, and knowledgeable in any possible way, i owe it all to him.
Everytime i wrote an article for my students and readers, he would be the faithful husband-editor, muse and conscience. I would read aloud my posts and he always completely smiled, nodded in approval, and gave constructive comments...and of course, he was also excited whenever i wrote about family trips and vacations...well..he simply loves holidays...
Lastly, my heartiest gratitude to all of you who have visited us at our humble abode, UNITEN mosque as well as the cemetery. Thanks also for your kind prayers during tahlil and yassin recitals. On his behalf, i pray may Allah bless you always.