Thank you everybody for an overwhelming support for the conference. It was a great combination of intellect, social network and insightful experience.The target was 70, and a total of 120 have registered and expressed interest in the event. This response is very appropriate for an intellectual event as such. Undergraduates can learn and gather experience not only in their classrooms and lecture theatres, but also from events like this conference.
On behalf of Kelompok Murni, i'd like to congratulate my talented and dedicated committee members. You've done a tremendously awesome job, ladies! Thanks a zillion to all conference presenters and participants. We have shared so much in one day, and i hope that we can meet again next year.
As a memento to all, here are some of the best snapshots of the conference in a while. Our photographers, Ereeka and Qila, have put their best photos together... Lastly, thanks to all...please take some time to drop a few words here to share your feedback on the conference...
Pn Zue, Advisor
Thanks for the invitation Pn Zue, it was an honour to have the opportunity to share my experience. And congratulations to the Kelompok Murni committee. Pray you guys make it big, both career and family life. - Hafiz Jamil
hey.... i was pretty shakey when i had to give my view but voila... it all went away, i would like to thank PN Zue for letting me take the chance to share about my country and also to give my skills time to develop, and i look forward to next years conference. and i hope more people will join cos this is a really good platform for upcoming speakers. keep it up Kelompok Murni committee. all the best.
Thanks a lot Puan for inviting me over. Hope Murni and other uniten-ians will continue the effort of organising such event in the near future. Congrats on making it a success! :)
Success requirement for everyone and achieve academic success is one of the priorities of the objectives in the student ..The key to the success of each and the philosophy and steps should be given to them ...Therefore, success is knowledge and engineering To the success of start thinking and feeling will motivate and work and patience .. which is translated in the last trip .
Hi...puan happy to hear that there was public speaking for women in kelompok murni..may this activity be continued every year..thanks to maam to give me an oppurnity to share my feelings...thanks a lot...keep it up...
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